Vahterus Introduces Size 12 Plate & Shell Heat Exchanger
Valtteri Haavisto, Customer Service Director at Vahterus
PSHE 12 offers a large heat transfer plate with the traditional round shape and corrugation angles. The diameter of the plate is close to 1200 mm and the portholes are DN250. Size 12 fills the gap between sizes 9 and 14. The standard internal diameter of the shell size is 1370 mm. The corrugation angles of the size 12 plate follow the tried and tested shape of size 9. Both HH and LL corrugation angles are available, which provide excellent heat transfer. Another great advantage of the size 12 is the wide range of applicable materials, such as stainless steel, SMO254, Duplex and titanium, to name a few. Size 12 will be available in plate thicknesses 0.7 – 1.5 mm.
Size 12 will have pressure classes of 6, 10, 16, 25 and 40 as standard solutions. Other design pressures can be made on request. The maximum available design pressure will depend upon each specific case.
The high heat transfer of size 12 makes it a very competitive product in heavy-duty heat recovery applications, but it is also an option in all liquid-to-liquid, condenser orevaporator duties. Potential applications are feed-effluent exchangers, steam condensers, heat-pump condensers and large evaporators.
This newcomer will be available for sales after the sizing programme update in August 2019. First deliveries will be made in early 2020.
The slim plate was introduced into the Vahterus plate family in spring 2018 and is now being delivered to customers. Manufacturing lines are proven, and full-scale production is already possible. Plate type 5SH is currently available, but other shapes and sizes can be easily be taken into production in the future. The slim plate is an ideal solution for gas cooling and heating.